
Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Turtle Scout‏

Hi, meant to mention we just returned from Turtle Scouting at the Sebastian Inlet State
Park and thought you guys may be interested in going out one night if you are going to be here during
June and July.

If you've not been yet, it is really fascinating to see this miracle, when the Mama Loggerhead Turtle
returns to her "home beach" where she was hatched some 15-20 years earlier.

Tonight we found a 300+# Mama Turtle less than an hour after we arrived on the beach: she came out of the 
ocean @10PM and finished building her nest, laying her eggs (@120) and covering her nest by 11PM.

The program starts at 8:45PM each Friday through Tuesday during June and July. Can't beat the price
for a wonderful night's experience witnessing a 1000+ year old miracle; it's free - just let me know what
night you want to go and I'll get you in. Best, 

Vince Nelson