
Monday, March 23, 2009

Newsletter for Waterway Village the Isles Community - March 22

March 22, 2009
Newsletter for Waterway Village the Isles Community

First of all I would like everyone to know that the St. Patrick’s Day Celebration was a huge success. We sold 69 tickets and there were 66 people that actually attended. The dinner was buffet style but portioned controlled by six servers. The meal consisted of a very tasteful home brined corned beef (John Morrissey’s grandmothers recipe for 3 days before cooling), steamed cabbage, red skin potatoes, carrots and a garden salad with rye bread. For dessert we served carrot cake, white and chocolate cakes. Arlene & Al Nelson found Morrissey’s Irish Pub for us in Sebastian on Fleming Street it if wasn’t for that I don’t think the meal would have been so delicious. Arlene & Al were not able to attend after all their hard work due to an illness
but thank you for your help. Also, Tony Christ made homemade IRISH SODA BREAD which was
excellent. Thank you Tony for your baking talents.

Next I want to THANK all the committee members who chipped in their precious time so that everyone in the community would have a great time at the party.

I would like everyone in the community to acknowledge all the hard work & time all these social committee members commit to our community. If I have missed someone I apologize your help does not go unappreciated.

I would like to thank everyone that attended and I hope you all enjoyed the party.
There is a Wine Tasting-Happy Hour Party on April 3, 2009 5:30PM-8:00PM or later??? At the Clubhouse details are on the bulletin board. Ticket sales will be posted this week. Hope to see you there.

April 26th, 2009 we will be hosting a CHRISTEN THE BAR B Q Party, which we will have some form of live entertainment, hamburgers, hot dogs, brats, the rest of the details will be arranged at the next Social Committee Meeting. We will have a Social Committee Meeting on April 7th at 7:00PM at the Clubhouse. This will be our first outdoor event of the year hopefully the weather will cooperate.

The Social Committee will be having a Memorial Day Picnic on Monday, May 25th, 2009. Save the Date.

There is buzz going around for a Community Cruise it will be on the agenda for the next Social Committee Meeting.

Thank You All – Jacqui Testolin

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