
Thursday, March 3, 2011

Waterway Village Upcoming Events March-April

Please see the above flyers/notices about the Mardi Gras Pot Luck Party on March 8th and the Book Club Event on March 18th and Afternoon tea Party.

There are very specific details for each of these events and a short time frame for sign-up. PLEASE BE MINDFUL OF DEADLINES AND CONTACTS!!

Don’t forget, Bingo on Monday nights: Hand and Foot Card Games on Tuesdays at 1:00; Water Aerobics, and all the other activities scheduled.

We will have more information very soon about the Ladies Afternoon Tea on SUNDAY, March 20th. There will be a LIMIT OF 48 GUESTS ONLY, so watch for the notice for ticket sale dates. The Social Committee is sorry to say they will be UNABLE TO MAKE ANY EXCEPTIONS OR LAST MINUTE ADDITIONS.

Coffee and Conversation will be held on TUESDAY (NOT THURSDAY) March 29th (my birthday!!) at 10:00. More information will be forthcoming.

There will be an April Fools’ Day Cocktail Party on Friday, (you guessed it) APRIL 1st! Look for ticket sale dates later in March.

The Social Committee will meet tonight, Tuesday, March 01, 2011, at 7:00 in the Clubhouse to discuss the upcoming Pot Luck Party; Tea Party and April Fools’ Day Cocktail Party. Everyone is invited to attend.

I made a big OOOPS! on the date for the Book Club EVENT. Although Jane Eyre, The Movie is being released on March 11th, the Book Club Movie-Luncheon-Discussion is scheduled for March 18th.

Sorry for any confusion this may have caused. Sorry Carol and Maureen. It was Arlene’s fault…she made the flyer…I only mailed it out!!

Tickets for the Mardi Gras Pot Luck Party go on sale today through Friday (March 1-4) from 3 to 5 PM in the Clubhouse. When you sign-up, please have a specific dish in mind. The four category choices are MAIN DISH, SIDE DISH, DESSERT, SALAD OR BREAD.

We will try to have this information posted on the Bulletin Board outside the mail room. Also, please check the community website for information; photos, etc.

Al Nelson

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