
Friday, November 23, 2012

Waterway Village Announcements

ALLSPICE was found this morning on Barbados Square after a chilly, scary night. She is home being loved and cared for by Jane and Tony! Thanks to everyone for their tips and best wishes in the search to bring our furry family member home safely!
Please see the attached flyer for information about the December Book Club Meeting and selection.
Also, please pay special attention to the flyer about the Waterway Village Angel Tree. This has been a yearly tradition for our Community and we have never let the children of the Gifford YAC down. The economy is hard for many people, but please find it in your heart to do what you can to support this worthy cause. If a gift seems out of your price range, perhaps you can arrange to “share the giving” with a friend! Additional flyers are in the Mailroom if you need one. PLEASE BE SURE TO PUT YOUR NAME AND PHONE NUMBER IN THE NOTEBOOK ON THE WINDOW SILL NEXT TO THE NAME/NUMBER OF THE TAG YOU ARE TAKING so the “ELVES” can keep track of the gifts!!
Thank you in advance for your kindness and generosity!
Arlene and I want to wish all of you and your families a safe, happy and healthy Thanksgiving. We are grateful for our family, friends, and neighbors we have here at Waterway Village.
Al Nelson

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