
Saturday, March 16, 2013

Yoga Class Update



What a fantastic turnout we had for our yoga class meeting Monday morning.  We have around 40 people signed up for the class.

The first class will be held on Monday, March 18, at 11:00 a.m. in our clubhouse.  Please commit at least 1 hour and 15 minutes for the class.  Please wear comfortable, breathable, non-restrictive clothes and be prepared to do the class barefoot.  If you would like to purchase a yoga mat, please be sure to get one that will not slip on the carpeting in the clubhouse.  The exercises will be easy, emphasizing stretching and breathing.  We will use the chairs in the clubhouse as well.  These classes will be for persons with all abilities.  Go at your own pace.  The cost of each class is an affordable $5.

The nature of yoga is one of peace and tranquility.  Therefore, we would ask that you do not bring any electronic devices to the class.  We would also request that any residents needing to use the clubhouse please schedule their time before or after the yoga class.

I know that some of you were not able to attend the meeting, so I have contact sheets and release forms here at my house if you wish to fill them out and bring them to our first class.   

Any questions, please call me at 794-4464 or email me at using “yoga class” as the subject.

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