
Sunday, October 26, 2014

Everyone Loves Thoughtful Neighbors

Everyone loves thoughtful neighbors, but it appears that a few reminders are needed regarding what a thoughtful neighbor does and doesn't do:


  • A thoughtful neighbor DOESN'T leave cigarette butts on the ground or stuffed in our beautiful lakeside benches. There have been reports of the Marlboro man hanging around.

  • A thoughtful neighbor DOESN'T deposit their "dog poop" bags in common area trash receptacles to cook in the sun, but brings them home to put out with the garbage.

  • A really thoughtful neighbor brings their junk mail and water bottles home to put out with their recyclables Thursday night for really early Friday morning pick-up. 

  • A really thoughtful neighbor cuts up their boxes and puts them out for recycling day, and not with Tuesday's garbage. 

  • A thoughtful neighbor doesn't discard useful items to fill up the landfill, but puts a notice up on the bulletin board or calls a local charity to come and pick them up. (Vero is full of many organizations helping the less fortunate and homeless.)


    We are all so fortunate to live in this beautiful community. 

Let's keep it that way. 

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