MARCH 2, 2010
Meeting Called to Order: 3:16 P. M.
Board Members Present: Jordan Goldman, Mike Hueniken, Gaynam Rackstraw
Property Manger: Management represented by Steve Chuilli and Keith Parenteau.
Steve Chuilli called the meeting to order at 3:16 P.M. Proof of meeting notice was noted. Jordan Goldman motioned to approve the 2009 Annual Meeting Minutes; Mike Hueniken seconded; all in favor.
Jordan Goldman explained the purpose of the Annual Membership Meeting and that questions would be limited to the operation of The Isles at Waterway.
Sr. Property Manger Steve Chuilli advised the membership that the December 31, 2009 Financial Report would be mailed out to the membership and they should receive it by the end of April.
Questions were asked regarding the final lift of asphalt, when it would be applied.
Membership was curious about the surveying that has been taking place through out the development, Jordan Goldman explained that Pulte has not made a decision on what product they are going to build on the open lots as of yet. The concern was that if a larger product was built in place of the
A complaint was voiced concerning the
The only construction concern was in regards to the Capri unit and a noise problem,
The condition of the carpet in the Club House was brought up, Keith Parenteau addressed this, Keith told the membership that he was in the process of getting proposals for Tile, Wood and Carpet and then once the proposals were all in he would pass them on to
The smell of the lake water on Dominica is a concern, Mike Hueniken addressed this, he stated that he would look into the situation with the smell and that there were a few options that he could take to try to reduce the smell if not totally eliminate it.
Vince Nelson was introduced; Vince is spear heading The Isles at Waterway Village Neighborhood Crime Watch. Vince gave the membership and over view of what he and his committees have been doing. He informed the membership that March 16, 2010 he was having a meeting and a representative from All-Tech Security would be present to explain and answer any questions anyone would have concerning their home security system.
Vince introduced the eight block captains that he has in place and he encouraged everyone to take a vested interest in keeping an eye on the community.
The suggestion of a basketball court being installed was brought up,
Jordan Goldman ask the membership to motion for the meeting to be adjourned, the membership motioned and seconded. The meeting was adjourned at 4:15 P.M.