
Sunday, March 23, 2014

Agenda for the March 27, 2014 Board Meeting

The Isles of Waterway Village

Board Meeting

Date: March 27, 2014 Time: 6:00 PM

Location:         Clubhouse 5350 Waterway Village Blvd.

Board Meeting Agenda

I.                   Call to Order
A.    Attendance – establish quorum
B.     Verify Publication  of  Notice

II.                Previous Minutes
Approval of Minutes for the February 27, 2014  Board Meeting

III.             Officers Reports
A.    Chairmen’s Report
1.      DiVosta/Pulte settlement status
2.      Reserve study status
3.      Engineering Survey status
4.      Legal Action
a.       Bennett
5.      Misc.
B.     Treasure’s Report
C.     Secretary’s Report

IV.             Committee Liaison Reports
A.    Ken Hill
1.      Social Committee
2.      Neighborhood Watch Committee
3.      Coffee Hour Committee
4.      Governing Enforcements Committee (Since we have no liaison for this committee I will give the report at this time.)

B.     Arthur Eisdorfer
1.      Grounds Committee

C.     David Decker
1.      Finance Committee
2.      Communications Committee

D.    Charles Spadora
1.      Amenities Committee

E.     Frank Davis
1.      Architectural Review Committee
2.      Road, Gates and Lights Committee
3.      Welcoming Committee

F.      Property Manager Report – Rosie Velez and Steve Chuilli

V.                Approval of Additions/Changes to the Agenda

VI.             Unfinished Business

A.    GAB Robins Reserve Analysis Report motion to approve the final report
B.     Civil Engineering Study status
C.     Member Communication Issues
1.      Mailing list status
2.      Newsletter Status
D.    Searchable document status
E.     Ongoing legal activity
F.      Status of charter development for various committees
1.      Approval of the Financial Committee charter
2.      Approval of the Architectural Review Committee  charter
3.      Approval of the Neighborhood Watch Committee charter
4.      Approval of the Social Committee charter
5.      Approval of the Roads, Lights and Gates Committee charter
G.    Ganoderma issue status
H.    Define the conditions for holding a garage sale
I.       Member issue handling policy discussion
J.       Tree replacement policy status
K.    Bench locations approval
1.      Membership input regarding this issue only
2.      Board discussion and decision

VII.          New Business

A.    A. Ratify contracts approved by the board between board meetings

B.     Ratify actions taken by the board between board meetings

C.     Additional Items
1.      Discussion and approval of the Architectural Review Committee guidelines

VIII.       Membership Input

IX.             Board Member Comments

X.                Adjournment

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