
Sunday, March 23, 2014

Social Committee Charter

Here is the proposed charter for the Social committee. Unless any of you have revisions, I will present this to the  Board for approval at our next meeting.  I am still waiting for the charter for the Neighborhood Watch Committee.  I hope to have it in time for the meeting.


SCOPE:  The Committee will act in an advisory capacity to the Board of Directors of the Isles at Waterway Village.  Its role will be to organize and put on various social activities throughout the year.  The events and the schedule for the events need to be approved by the Board in advance to the event. Once established, it will pass this information on to the Board through the Liaison.  The purview of the Committee will include identifying and holding a broad range of social activities designed to maximize their appeal to as broad group of Isles residences as is possible.

LIAISON:  The Board will designate one Director to be the Liaison for the Committee.  The Liaison will be the interface between the Board and the Committee.  The Liaison will also be the interface between the Committee and the Property Manager.

CHAIR:  The Board will appoint a Chair, or Co-Chairs,  to lead the Committee.  A Co-Chair will be required if one of the Chairs is not a full-time member of the Isles of Waterway Village. The Chair (s) may appoint owners and residents of the Isles to serve on the Committee and these people will serve at the pleasure of the Chair(s).    The Chair(s) is/are responsible for running Committee meetings, providing meeting minutes to the Liaison as well as maintaining the financial books of the Committee. The Committee may ask, or be requested by the Board, to make presentations to the Board regarding certain events.  (Board meetings are a to be held the fourth Thursday of each month at 6 PM in the clubhouse, but may be held at other times.)  The Chair(s) may delegate any of these activities, but remains responsible for them.

COMMITTEE MEMBERS:  For activities assigned to the Committee, the members will research matters, gather information, offer opinions and make recommendations to the Chair.  Members may also recommend activities for the Committee to the Chair.  However, Members will not undertake activities in their official capacity unless the activities have been assigned to the Committee.  In addition, Members will not directly interact with Board Directors, the Property Manager, or contractors unless specifically authorized to do so.

MISCLLANEOUS:  The Committee will own all materials purchased with the funds the Committee generates through its activities.  Additionally, there are ____ locked cupboards in the club house kitchen that are dedicated to and identified as specifically belonging to the Social Committee.

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