Tuesday, December 24, 2013
Wednesday, December 11, 2013
New HOA 2013-2014 Page on Pages Navigation Bar on the Right
Below are documents pertaining to The Waterway Village HOA for 2013-2014
Saturday, November 30, 2013
Coffee and Conversation DAY OF THE WEEK CORRECTION!!
Ooops! Looked at the wrong calendar!!
Sorry for the confusion! Visions of Turkey were dancing in my head!!
Happy Thanksgiving; Happy Hannukah!
Sunday, November 24, 2013
Monday, November 11, 2013
Waterway Village Holiday Cocktail Party and Holiday Dinner Party TICKETSALES DATES
Hello, Everyone!
We told you a few weeks ago to “Save the Dates” of November 23, and December 8 for the final Social Committee Events of 2013!
We will be selling tickets for BOTH PARTIES beginning this WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 13th!
Saturday, November 23rd , at 6:00 P M will be our Holiday Cocktail Party in the Clubhouse to show it off decorated for the Season! We ask you bring an appetizer, snack or dessert to share. We will supply Ice, Water, Iced Tea, Paper Goods, Cups and Cutlery. BYOB for all other Beverages! Cost is $3.00 per person.
Sunday, December 8th, at 5:00 PM is our Seventh Annual Holiday Dinner Party at C J CANNON’S at the AIRPORT! (Hard to believe there have been so many—time flies when you’re having fun!) It is a lovely setting! We will have a buffet including: Salad; Rolls and Butter; Roast Beef; Lemon Rosemary Chicken; Stuffed Sole; Roasted Potatoes; Green Beans; Dessert; Beverage. Tax and Gratuity are included. There will be a full cash bar with 2-for-1 specials on select well drinks, wines, and beers. The cost is $22.50 per person.
Tickets for both events will be limited due to space constraints. We can accommodate only 72 at the Clubhouse Party and the limit for C J Cannon’s is 100. Because of this we must take the first PAID RESIDENTS ONLY. NON-RESIDENT GUESTS will be put on a WAITLIST. Please be considerate of your neighbors. We have no way of checking residency so we depend on the honor system!
CASH ONLY!! NO CHECKS!! NO $50.00 or $100.00 BILLS. There is too high a risk for counterfeits and we won’t be able to tell where we got them!
Exact change for each event would be great! ($6.00 per couple for Cocktail Party; $45.00 for Dinner and $3.00 per single and $22.50 for Dinner).
After November 19th we will not be selling tickets for either event so don’t miss out! Any questions, call Arlene at 772-539-9127 or Lauretta at 772-562-8065.
Come bring to a close another great year of fun at the Isles at Waterway Village!
Thank you.
The Social Committee
Sunday, November 10, 2013
Water Aerobics - Corrected Copy
Oops!! Our water aerobics instructor, Mary, made a slight miscalculation. She will not be able to have our Tuesday, November 12, water aerobics class at 10:30 a.m. as was previously announced. So please disregard that portion of the notice that was sent to you recently. We will have the class at the usual time of 9:00 a.m. forNovember 12 only. The Friday, November 15 class, will be at 10:30 a.m. We will begin the Tuesday at 10:30 a.m. class on November 19.
So sorry for any inconvenience this has caused anyone.
If you have any questions or comments, please call Johanna Davis at 794-4464.
Thursday, October 31, 2013
Sunday, October 20, 2013
The Isles at Waterway Village Paving Notice
The Isles at WaterwayVillage Homeowners Association, Inc.
C/O Capital Realty Advisors
600 Sandtree Drive Suite 109Palm Beach Gardens, FL, 33433
Phone (561) 624-5888 Fax (561) 624-5827
October 8, 2013
Dear Home Owners:
The final paving for the last half of The Isles at Waterway Village is scheduled to begin on Thursday, October 10, 2013 and Friday, October 11, 2013. Please be advised that this time frame could change due to weather, mechanical breakdowns, or scheduling delays. The Contractor plans to start the job between 7 a.m. and 8 a.m. Travel will be restricted for much of the day on one side of the street or the other. Please do not park your vehicle(s) on the side of the road which is being paved. You may use the clubhouse parking lot depending on your need to travel. Please remember that the first 48 hours after the paving work is finished your AUTOMOBILE TIRES CAN CARRY THE FRESH ASPHALT BLACK COLOR ONTO YOUR PAVER DRIVEWAYS, WE RECOMMEND NOT DRIVING INTO YOUR DRIVEWAY FOR THIS PERIOD OF TIME. PLEASE ALSO REMEMBER THAT SHOES CAN ALSO TRACK THIS ONTO WALKWAYS AND PAVERS.
Generally, one side of the street will be open at all times for vehicle traffic, but patience and careful driving will be required while the work proceeds. There will be a Paving Crew supervisor in place assisting with traffic flow. It is imperative you avoid getting the wheels of your vehicles on the “tack” surface, which is sprayed onto the road a short distance ahead of the paving machine. Do not drive or walk on the “tack” surface. PLEASE REMEMBER TO CHECK YOUR SHOES BEFORE WALKING ON YOUR WALKS, DRIVES, OR INTO YOUR HOMES. Paving materials are difficult to remove from these surfaces, and the developer is not responsible for removing the tack surface from your driveways or walkways if you should accidentally drive or walk on the areas. ADDITIONALLY, PLEASE DO NOT MAKE SHARP TURNS OR TURN YOUR WHEELS WHILE IN PLACE FOR AT LEAST THE FIRST 72 HOURS AFTER THE SECOND LIFT HAS BEEN APPLIED. Sharp turns can damage the new asphalt. The developer will not be responsible for roadway damage caused by residents.
Please cooperate with the work crews as they progress through the community. We apologize in advance for any inconvenience this roadwork may cause. Thank you for your patience and cooperation while this work proceeds.
Rosie Velez
Property Manager
Capital Realty Advisors
Isles at Waterway Village Important Announcements
To all our friends and neighbors,
We are officially The Isles of Waterway Village HOA! Congratulations to our new Board!
Paving is being done so please be mindful of delays and possible inconveniences—it’s necessary!
BINGO begins again tomorrow night!! High stakes!! Don’t miss it!
Avast ye Landlubbers!!! Only two days left to sign up for the PIRATE COCKTAIL P-AARRGGHH-TY!! THE DATE IS SATURDAY, OCTOBER 19th, not the 21st!!! Put on your eye patch and hoist your Jolly Roger!!! Let’s get everyone there for a fun night!!
Coffee and Conversation is back on Thursday, November 7th at 10:00 am. Please put your name on the show of interest list so we have an idea how many will attend.
For all these activities we need volunteers! Please get involved and help with planning, set up, clean up and participation!
Thanks for your time! You all make this a great place to live!!
Arlene and Al Nelson
Water Aerobics and Yoga are Back
Vacation is over. Mary is back! Time to get back to the pool and/or the mat for some fun.
Our yoga classes will begin again on Monday, October 21, at 11:00 a.m. in the clubhouse.
Our water aerobics classes will begin again on Tuesday, October 22, at 9:00 a.m. in the pool. We will still have a Friday class as well at 9:00 a.m.
The cost of these classes remains the same at $5 per class.
Any questions, please contact Johanna Davis at 794-4464.
Wednesday, October 9, 2013
Monday, September 23, 2013
Meet Rosie Velez - Our New Property Manager
Rosie is originally from New York City. She moved to Central Texas for 12 years and then moved to Florida in 2004. She is a former E.M.T. and she is now licensed as a Community Association Manager.
Saturday, September 21, 2013
The Eagles Have Returned
The Eagles have returned to the Preserve.
See pictures of the Eagles over the years in our photo album at the link below.
Saturday, September 14, 2013
Friday, September 13, 2013
Tuesday, September 10, 2013
It’s been a while, but it’s time for another Saturday Night Pizza Party at the Clubhouse!!
As you can see from the attached flyer, once again we are getting the Pizzas and Cheezy Bread from Marco’s Pizza! They are the Individual 10” one-topping pizzas served in your very own pizza box!
We are trying something new this year by having the Garden Salads made by Bob Evans Restaurant! We will have dessert and a Iced Tea or Water. As always, it is BYOB for any other beverages. Ice will be available.
All this for just $10.00 per person!
Ticket sales will be held next week, September 9-13. Please check the flyer for exact times. If you can’t make it then, please call Eileen Greif at 794-2661 to make other arrangements to sign up. We are limited to the first 72 paid residents. CASH ONLY. NO $50 or $100 BILLS PLEASE!
Information about events for the remainder of the year, including the Holiday Party, will be announced, so those attending will be among the first to know!!
If you have any questions, please call Eilleen Greif.
Thank you.
The Social Committee
Tuesday, September 3, 2013
will meet on
AT 7:00 P M
We need volunteers for the upcoming Pizza Party.
We also will discuss activities for the rest of the year!
All residents are invited to attend.
Wednesday, August 28, 2013
Water Aerobics
Our wonderful water aerobics and yoga instructor, Mary, is taking a much needed break from all her activities. Our last yoga class will be on Monday, September 2, and our last water aerobics class will be on Friday, September 6.
We will resume our classes in November.
Please mark your calendars to reflect these changes.
Thank you for your wonderful participation and enthusiasm.
Any questions, please call Johanna Davis at
Saturday, August 24, 2013
Sunday, August 11, 2013
Waterway Village Lazy, Hazy, Crazy Days of Summer Cocktail Party Saturday, August 24th
Summertime and the living is…HOT!!!
Here’s one way to cure those Summertime Blues: 1. Put on one wild and crazy Tropical Print Shirt or Dress;
2. Go to the Clubhouse and pay $3.00 to join the party;
3. Bring an appetizer, snack or dessert to share with your friends;
4. Add your favorite beverage;
5. ENJOY!!
We will not sell tickets in advance (it’s summer; we’re chillin’; nobody wants to expend TOO much energy!).
HOWEVER, we need to know about how many people will attend so we can set up enough tables and chairs; get enough Ice, Water, Iced Tea and Paper Goods. There is a sign-up sheet in the mailroom. PLEASE PUT ONLY ONE NAME PER LINE!!!!! We will remove the sheets Saturday morning, August 24th.
There will be a 50/50 Raffle. And, you could win the prize for that wild and crazy shirt you bought in Jamaica after you got off the Jolly Roger Rum Runner Excursion. We’re just saying…!!
If you have any questions pleas call Arlene Nelson at 772-539-9127 or Lauretta Spadora at 772-562-8065.
Keep cool!! See you at the Party!
Arlene and LaurettaThe Social Committee
Saturday, July 27, 2013
Tennis Court Repairs
To: All Isles at Waterway Owners
Re: Tennis Court Repairs
Date: July 22, 2013
Please be advised that there will
be repairs done to the tennis courts starting on July 29, 2013. The courts have
root damage to many areas that are a safety issue, these areas will be
repaired, there are many areas of the fence that are in need of repair and
parts that are rusted out that will be replaced. Impact Landscape will install
root barrier around the perimeter to keep the root intrusion issue to a
Once this work is completed the
entire court surface will be refinished and re-striped, restoring the courts to
a new finish.
During the initial work (fence
repair and root barrier installation) (2) two of the courts will still be
available for play. The total fence repair will take approximately (2) two
weeks, (1) week per (2) courts, WEATHER
Once this work is completed the
court repair will begin, at this time the courts will be CLOSED TO PLAY, this
stage will take (2) two weeks, WEATHER
If you have any questions, please
contact Keith Parenteau at
772-778-6902 or email kparenteau@capitalrealtyadvisors.com
We appreciate your cooperation.
Thursday, July 18, 2013
Sheriff's Department 41st Citizen Academy & Alumni
For Sheriff's Department Citizen Academy Alumni at
Waterway Village:
Tonight was the first meeting of the Sheriff's Department Citizen Academy Alumni;
an initial meeting to start getting organized. All "graduates" of the Citizen Academy
are invited to participate and the next meeting is Wednesday, August 14th, at 6 PM,
at the Sheriff's Auditorium; an agenda is forthcoming.
I. The "proposed" purpose of the Alumni is to:
1) promote and preserve a close relationship between the Alumni, the Community,
and the Sheriff's Office
2) support the mission of the Sheriff's Office and the Citizen's Academy.
3) raise funds in support of charitable and/or educational programs.
II. We were encouraged to invite participation at the next Citizen's Academy to be
held each Thursday* evening, during September 5th through November 21st. The
schedule is attached for your information. It was noted that the maximum number
of attendees is 60; register early if you'd like to attend. You can go to the Sheriff's
website at www.ircsheriff.org to register. For more information, please contact:
Deputy Sheriff Roberta Barker
Crime Prevention Unit
(772) 770-5028
(772) 453-3050
River County Sheriff’s Office
Tonight was the first meeting of the Sheriff's Department Citizen Academy Alumni;
an initial meeting to start getting organized. All "graduates" of the Citizen Academy
are invited to participate and the next meeting is Wednesday, August 14th, at 6 PM,
at the Sheriff's Auditorium; an agenda is forthcoming.
I. The "proposed" purpose of the Alumni is to:
1) promote and preserve a close relationship between the Alumni, the Community,
and the Sheriff's Office
2) support the mission of the Sheriff's Office and the Citizen's Academy.
3) raise funds in support of charitable and/or educational programs.
II. We were encouraged to invite participation at the next Citizen's Academy to be
held each Thursday* evening, during September 5th through November 21st. The
schedule is attached for your information. It was noted that the maximum number
of attendees is 60; register early if you'd like to attend. You can go to the Sheriff's
website at www.ircsheriff.org to register. For more information, please contact:
Deputy Sheriff Roberta Barker
Crime Prevention Unit
(772) 770-5028
(772) 453-3050

Citizen’s Academy
5, 2013 to November 21, 2013
6:00 – 9:00 PM
Sheriff Deryl Loar
Sergeant Thomas Raulen
Administrator Sandy Fox
Deputy Brian Aguiar
6:00 -9:00 PM
Special Operations
Sergeant Brad Fojtik
Ag/Marine, K-9 & Aviation
Sergeant Pat White
*Meet at the Sheriff’s Office Hangar*
6:00 – 6:25
Victim Assistance
Advocate Shirley Rosemond
- 7:00 PM
Florida Sheriff’s Youth Ranch
Colleen Lockwood, Donor Relations Officer
7:00 – 9:00 PM
D/S Karrie Spooner
6:00 – 7:00 PM
N.O.P.E. Drug Program
Owen Messinger/Deputy
Roberta Barker
- 8:00 PM
Operations Manager Bob
8:00 – 9:00 PM
Crime Prevention
D/S R. Barker/D/S T. Floyd/D/S J. Brauer
6:00 – 9:00 PM
Sgt. Justin Langford
6:00 – 9:00 PM
Sergeant Steve Nelson
*Meet at the Courthouse, west side
6:00 – 7:00 PM
Support Services Division
Director Martha Asher
7:00 – 9:00 pm
Lieutenant Lonnie Rich
Sgt. Mike Pierce
6:00 – 6:30 PM
Lynn Foster
6:30 – 9:00 PM
Crime Scene
Sgt. Kyle King
6:00 – 7:00 PM
Florida Dept. of Law Enforcement
RAC Michael Bartus
7:00 – 8:00 PM
Attorney Jim Harpring
8:00 – 9:00 PM
Detective Bureau
Sgt. Eric Flower’s
6:00 – 7:45 PM
Identity Theft/Personal Safety
Roberta Barker
7:45 – 9:00 PM
Crime Analyst
6:00 – 8:15 PM
8:15 – 9:00 PM
Emergency Operations Center
Lieutenant Mark Buffington/Sgt. J. Cronenberg
Dale Justice
6:00 –
8:00 PM
are held in the Sheriff’s Auditorium unless notated otherwise. Class begins promptly
at 6:00 PM;
announcements and updates are given at the beginning of class.
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